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Chains: Individual vs. Aggregated

While subgraphs are chain-tethered (one subgraph endpoint per chain), Envio indexes all chains within the same deployment. The data from all of chains that Sablier is deployed on can be queried from the same place.

Sablier V2 - Protocol-Envio

The protocol-envio indexer tracks events mainly emitted by the @sablier/v2-core contracts. It deals with core protocol actions like creating, withdrawing, or transferring streams.


ChainEndpoint (Hosted Network)

Use Hasura's online explorer to view the entities and query API.


Sablier V2 protocol subgraph (Envio)Github - sablier-labs/v2-subgraphs

Sablier V2 - Merkle-Envio (Airstreams)

This subgraph tracks events emitted by the @sablier/v2-periphery contracts, specifically the Merkle Factory. It deals with airstream specific actions like the factory creating a campaign, admin clawbacks or users claiming streams as defined in the attached Merkle tree.


ChainEndpoint on the Hosted Network

Use Hasura's online explorer to view the entities and query API.


Sablier V2 protocol subgraph (The Graph)Github - sablier-labs/v2-subgraphs


  1. All-Networks = most of the networks supported by Sablier, e.g., Mainnet, Optimism, Polygon, Sepolia. The full list can be found here.